What We Offer
Perpetuity Security Consulting is an independent firm that provides security consulting and planning services. We can provide temporary security services to you for as much or as little help as you need. From a single day consultation to an on-going support relationship that lasts for years. Our starting point on security risk management programs is to evaluate the security threats and vulnerabilities on your facilities to provide you with a realistic and cost effective strategy to reduce the overall risk to an acceptable level.
An object physical security assessment that is not driven by some predetermined agenda can help you determine your needs and provide cost effective solutions.
Good security is provided in layers and security starts at the perimeter. Perimeter protection is the safeguarding of the approach ways to a facility.
A Risk Assessment takes a deep dive into the threats, attack vectors, vulnerabilities, and controls that may affect your sensitive data and critical assets.
Proper documentation is essential to any security program to establish compliance, identify responsibility and achieve job functions.
Security is a vital part of the design and planning process. Perpetuity can help with any new construction and renovation projects.
If your company does not require a full time security manager, try our out-sourced security services that can save you money. Ask us how!
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design or CPTED (pronounced sep-ted) suggests that the design of buildings, landscaping and outdoor environments can lead to a reduction in the fear of crime and the incidence of crime, and to improvement in the quality of life. CPTED attempts to minimize crime and the fear of crime by reducing criminal opportunity and fostering positive social interaction among the users of a space.
Emergency preparedness includes all activities, such as plans, procedures, contact lists and exercises, undertaken in anticipation of a likely emergency. The goal of these preparedness activities is to make sure the business is ready and able to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency.